<aside> ⚠️ Crosschain feature is to send a token from Bifrost-Polkadot or Bifrost-Kusama into another different network, and vice-versa.

It can be used to: -Cross-chain any tokens on any supported chains

It doesn't have to be used to:


How to send KSM/DOT to an exchange from Bifrost

<aside> 💡 Just remember 1 simple rule: DOT and KSM always have to be on the relay chain to be transfered from/to exchanges


So the action is simple, **cross-chain out to the relay-chain !!**

Once on a relay-chain, and only from the relay-chain, transfer the KSM/DOT to an exchange address.

Cross IN to Bifrost from other chains

  1. Enter app.bifrost.io and click on "Cross chain" on the left main navigation to enter the cross chain page

Cross in

Cross in

  1. Click the chain name under "From" at the top left of the panel and select the source chain you need to cross in assets in the pop-up window

Possible source chains on Bifrost-Polkadot

Possible source chains on Bifrost-Polkadot